
My name is Daniel Salaz and I’m currently a junior pursuing a business marketing degree at UNM. I will be graduating this December if all goes well. I’m still not fully certain on what I want to do after graduation, but I may consider opening or running a restaurant, or getting a job in the digital marketing field as I’ve always been interested in digital design and video editing.


  • Cooking
  • Video editing
  • Denver Broncos football
  • Computer games (particularly The Sims, Sim City, and Cities: Skylines)


Here’s a picture of my family when the Denver Broncos won Super Bowl 50.



I have one dog named Sadie. She’s seven years-old and we adopted her as a puppy from Missouri. She’s is a Cairn Terrier, which is a breed that many have not heard of before, although its similar to a Yorkshire terrier. Despite seeming like a rare dog breed, the Cairn Terrier is actually the same breed as Toto from the Wizard of Oz.